Monday, July 5, 2010

Reflections of YOED 6020

This class has been very helpful and eye-opening for me as a new teacher. Although I will not be teaching ESL this year, the ideas from this class will definitely help me in my teaching in the future. When considering all of the things that I learned in this course through the different assignments, I can imagine which of the strategies and ideas would be effective for ESL students in the classroom. I think that one of the things that I liked best was the SDAIE strategies. The choral reading project and the anticipatory guide project were two of the ones that I can definitely see myself using with my students and being effective. I really don't have much advice to give to new teachers, because I am one! But I will take all the advice I can get on how to be effective in the ESL classroom! I have really enjoyed learning about ESL students and forming a better understanding of how to meet their needs in the classroom. I also liked how we continued to add to the ESL Wiki in this course, because now I know that I have a great resource to start off with!

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